Monday, October 12, 2009

Episode 50 in which mama earns a medical degree

I had to take Miles to Urgent Care on Thursday night because he came home from daycare with goo running out of his ear again. I knew this was coming. I saw it building with my otoscope but also knew that I would have to wait until it got yucky to bring him to the doctor. When there, I presented all the information to the urgent care doc and said, "Do you think I might be able to call in the symptoms next time this happens so I don't have to spend $20 and countless hours coming in to be told what I already know?"
The doc said that all made sense to her and was willing to write me a prescription with refills, seeing as how we have the otoscope and are obviously knowledgeable about what to look for. However, she's not my regular pediatrician so we'll have to see what she says.
Who knew I'd become such an expert on ear infections?


leah said...

Haha! You do deserve an honorary medical degree! I've always thought about getting an otoscope- but I have no idea how to use one, lol!

Anonymous said...

From experience I know that when you become a mother you acquire an amazingly large variety of skills. Diagnostics, medical procedures, dietician, psychologist, entertainer and many more that don't pop into my mind right now.

The best mamas are amazingly flexible in body, mind and spirit.
From Miles' Grandmama

milesmom said...

I got an otoscope on the internet aptly named Dr. Mom Otoscope. It comes with instructions and pictures of how it should look in there. Then we got a little lesson from our pediatrician and practiced on each other. But I would have to say I'm better at it than my husband.