My mother came to visit last weekend and there was a moment when I caught her looking at me playing with Miles. When asked what was up, she said, "I'm just looking at you with him and thinking where did my life go?"
Where did my life go, indeed. It has been a fast trip so far and they tell me it just keeps on gaining speed.
I'm in the midst of the daycare search debacle. Finding good childcare is hard enough but finding good childcare for Miles is even harder. On top of everything a parent looks for, I need to find him a place where he will not get lost in the midst and one in which there is a good enough ratio that they can keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't choke on or lose a hearing aid. It's challenging enough for me to keep the darn things in his ears and I'm his loving mother.
In celebration of reaching the nine month milestone, here's a slide show of him from birth 'til now.

And here he is modeling his newest Ear Gear, designed to (hopefully) keep him from losing or destroying his hearing aids.
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