We took Miles to Disneyland a week ago. Jeff had a trip with his high school choir so we took the baby along. Despite the long trip on the bus and the overstimulation and sleeping in a new place and not being on his usual schedule, he did great!
He had oodles of adoring teenagers (and a few adults as well) to coo at him and tell him how wonderful he is. Many bought him gifts and even more took lots of photos of him just being is cutie patootie self.
One thing I learned about Disneyland that I never would have discovered if I didn't go with a baby is that they have a special baby center right off of Main Street. They provide high chairs, very nice changing tables, itty bitty toilets for the potty training set as well as comfy chairs with some privacy for nursing. It was never very busy and gave us a great place to have a little down time.

We tried out a few rides with Miles. The first ride was the Finding Nemo Submarine (it used to be 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea but no one even knows that movie anymore.) He did great on the line and enjoyed the bubbles until things went dark and there were loud noises. Then he lost it. What do you do with a screaming baby in a confined space? We just passed him back and forth between each other and hoped for the best. He calmed down once the lights were back on and we smiled apologetically to everyone around us. Oof, what a disaster! But he enjoyed the carousel much more. I think we could have done a lot more if we had the patience for the lines. I think Miles would have been just fine on the railroad and boat rides. Jeff and I managed to get on a few adult rides thanks to our eager baby watcher, Vicki. Thanks, Vicki!

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